

Knowledge Intensive Services in the Planning, Installation, Maintenance and Scrap services

Challenge: Renewable energy installations require knowledge intensive services throughout their life-cycle for planning, installing, maintaining and scrapping.

Solution: KIS-PIMS supported the emergence of a wide range of renewable energy services by designing and implementing new funding schemes for innovative service companies, with a focus on SMEs in Austria, France and Finland. Partners developed an innovation voucher for buying consulting services to strengthen business plans for innovations.

Duration: February 2008 – January 2011

Our role

Greenovate! Europe assisted with the EU wide dissemination activities, and led the production of the ‘Guide to green innovation vouchers’ manual. The project was coordinated by our member DOWEL Management (formerly Technofi). Michael Heidenreich supported the scheme in Austria.

Contact: Simon Hunkin


Guide to green innovation vouchers

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